Always believe what the authorities say.
I disagree to that because there are always greedy people who want to make money out of any thing even if it hurts other people. There might be a greedy police officer that does things to get money, also if there is some one out to harm you he or she might pretend to be part of the authorities and want you to do some thing that could hurt you.
Like if the police want to search your house one of them might tell you to show him/her your wallet and he/she might take some thing out of it. Also some one might not really be part of the authorities but just pretend to be and try to use that to abduct you for whatever reason. You have no way of actually telling the intentions of people and that is why you should never trust the authorities, they might be out to harm you.
To be a good leader you will have to be smart.
Yes I think that if you want to be a good leader you need to be smart. I don’t think you need to be math smart but just generally smart. If you are going to earn peoples respect you will need to do something good for the team to make them respect and accept you as their leader. For example in a navy seals team the leader cant mess things up, if he does that his team mates probably will not trust him any more so if the leader wants to have their trust he has to do things exactly right. In a football team the leader cant be stupid then he would mess every thing up and his teammates would not trust him any more same thing goes for almost all team sports. Even if you work in a factory you will need to be able to earn the trust and respect of the people working there to make the factory run smoothly.